Tag "daily forecast"

Magical Door for Monday, October 7, 2024

The intense influence of the Eclipse Corridor, which recently swept through our lives, is gradually subsiding. The energies of powerful transformation and unexpected changes that stirred our souls are giving way to calmer, more soothing waves. It’s as if, after a storm, the sea becomes smooth again, reflecting the vast sky above. Now we have the opportunity to take a deep breath, reflect on what we’ve experienced, and prepare for

Magical Door for the Weekend of October 5 and 6, 2024

You can open the Magical Door this weekend by rising above the everyday hustle and looking at the world from the heights of your dreams and aspirations. If you feel like your life has become a monotonous routine, like a worn-out record, it may be time to add some bright colors and new melodies. It’s time to step out of your comfort zone and allow yourself to do what you’ve

Magical Door for Friday, October 4, 2024

The Magical Door today is open to everything that has been building up inside you and is now ready to come out. The energies of the day give you wings to rise above the usual hustle and take a higher perspective on your life and global processes. Evaluate your plans with a long-term vision, not just in terms of the immediate future. 🪶 The strength, awareness, and changes we are

Magical Door for Thursday, October 3, 2024

Your inner fire is a force that may sometimes feel confined, as if locked in a cage. But remember, it’s not a “straitjacket,” it’s simply a door that needs to be opened. If you stop banging against the glass, stop fixating on your anxieties and expectations, and just take a breath, you’ll easily see that the door opens towards you. We all experience times when it feels like our actions

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