Tag "Elemental Forecasts by Shuwany"

Month of Awakening: Magic and Power of March 2025

March, in contrast to February, becomes a month of full flow, which is logical for the first month of spring. The world awakens from winter stagnation and introspection. This is the essence of March as a month of transition and presenting oneself to society in a new, brighter light. It’s a time to conceive new projects, declare yourself, and accelerate your movement. The spring currents cleanse the lingering effects of

Month of Nurturing: Magic and Power of February 2025

Just as pregnancy ultimately culminates in birth—the emergence of new life—so too does everything that was conceived, planned, and nurtured in previous cycles come into manifestation, fulfillment, and expression in February. If you have gone through the stages of conception, incubation, and careful protection of yourself and your “seed”, then ahead of you lies an equally important period of bringing this new life into the world, feeding it, and helping

The Month of Manifestation: Magic and Power of January 2025

The energies of January open unique opportunities for advancing new ideas and their manifestation. The first month of the new year will finally put everything in its rightful place, identifying what is essential for ourselves and the world around us—shaped by our thoughts and actions. Despite the strong flow of energy supporting your goals, it’s crucial not to rush yourself. Build your life not only through active steps but also

The Birth of the Sun: Magic and Power of December 2024

The energies of December focus on reflecting on the year that’s ending and setting intentions and goals for the year ahead. This month opens up incredible opportunities and provides the strength to realize them. However, to harness these energies, it’s essential to clarify your desires and align yourself with their integration into your life. December is truly a month of attuning yourself to the coming year. By creating an inner

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