Practice “The Dance of Shakti”

We are approaching the beginning of our Fox Path to harmonious relationships. Today, I want to lift the veil a bit and share one magical practice we do with the participants of the Fox Path. This practice is called the “Dance of Shakti.” Why is it difficult for a woman to go without male attention? Because Shakti dances while Shiva watches her. The dance continues as long as there is

“Tree” Practice

🔥 During periods of transformation, when the energies of change overwhelm us, it’s important to remember that our physical body is a vessel for all our desires and aspirations. It is through our body that we experience intense emotions, whether it’s joy, inspiration, or stress-induced negative feelings. Strong emotions, both negative and positive, place a strain on our body, heart, blood vessels, nerves, and more. Temporary vulnerability at the physical

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