Tag "practices"

Harmonizing Ritual for Navigating the Eclipse Corridor

🌈 During the powerful transformations brought by the Eclipse Corridor, it’s especially important to support yourself on all levels: physical, emotional, and energetic. This is a time of profound changes that can inspire but also create a sense of imbalance. To move through this period with ease and harmony, harmonizing and supportive rituals are particularly helpful. They can strengthen your energy system, restore inner balance, and fill you with strength.

Steps Toward Finances

I’m sharing one of the very first exercises we use with participants in the Enchanting game “Catching the Money Flow” for initial self-diagnosis in the financial sphere. May it help you too! 1.Write three associations for each of the following words: Wallet Work Stress Money Rest PleasureYou’ll have 18 words. Write each on a separate piece of paper. 2.Shuffle and randomly draw two pieces of paper. You’ll have 9 pairs of words.

On the Eve of Valentine’s Day

As Valentine’s Day approaches, interesting thoughts arise. Today, I don’t want to delve into the traditions of this holiday—neither its pagan roots, nor its Christian origins, nor its modern interpretations. But the energies swirling around during these days tend to be very tangled, complex, and sometimes not filled with love, but rather draining. This is likely connected to the energies people bring into it themselves. Our thoughts, feelings, and actions

Strength and Light to All!

🔥 Light a candle today. Open your palms. Ask for this light to become the Light of Strength for you.Scoop it up with your hands and wash yourself in it. Strength flows through the threads of the world, and through this light, we receive it, welcome it, open ourselves to it, and become one with it. It nourishes and inspires us, brings us joy and comfort, heals us, and lifts

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