Tag "ritual work"

Practice “Shadow Breathing”

🧚‍♀️Today, I’d like to share a practice we use in the program “Face to Face with the Shadow” to help release fears. This practice is called “Shadow Breathing.” Lying on a firm surface, begin breathing deeply and quickly, feeling areas of tension within you connected to your fear. Gradually slow your breathing, imagining that with each breath, you’re exhaling your fear. Let each breath become softer, slower, relaxing the tense

The Fox Path “To Harmonious Relationships” Starting September 20

🌟🌓🌞 Day and night. Darkness and light. Yin and Yang. Our world is a magical unity where each of us carries a unique blend of masculine and feminine energy. This balance is the key to true harmony and success in life and relationships. Eastern philosophical teachings speak of the power of Yin (feminine/passive) and Yang (masculine/active) as the driving forces of the universe. Carl Jung, the great Western psychologist, showed

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