Tag "Rituals and Spells"

The Conception of a New World: Ostara on March 20th and Our Magical Ritual

🌞 The energies of Ostara are the energies of the pulse of new life, the readiness to conceive (whether a child, a project, or an idea) that floats in the air and charges the space around us. This is an excellent time for those who have decided to make changes in their lives or launch new projects. The energy for these endeavors can literally be drawn from the air. It

Magical Ostara Ritual on March 20th: “Turning the Wheel”

🌷🌞 Everyone who wishes to celebrate Ostara with a joint Magical Ritual—I invite you to join! 🌞🌷 Ostara is the festival of the Spring Equinox, a special time in the annual cycle. Day and night are equal in length, marking the final turn toward spring. Throughout history and across cultures, the Spring Equinox has been celebrated as a time of rebirth and renewal, shedding the unnecessary and embracing the winds

Magical New Moon Ritual on February 28: “New Impulse”

🌱🌙 I invite you to take part in the Magical Ritual “New Impulse”! 🌙🌱 Spring is a time of awakening, blossoming, and actively moving toward the light. After winter, we sometimes lack the strength to return to the world and bring our previously planned aspirations to life. The New Moon on February 28 brings a new impulse into our lives. Everything that has been frozen and stagnant for a long time

Magical Ritual “Weaving of Hearts” on February 12 + “Celtic Heart” Spread at Half Price

💖 Close to Valentine’s Day, this Full Moon is generally aimed at harmonizing any interaction, creating ideal conditions for awakening and strengthening deep feelings. Therefore, our Magical Ritual will be entirely dedicated to the magic of love… Whether you are seeking to find your soulmate, deepen an existing relationship, or protect and preserve your union, this ritual will open the doors to a world of harmony and passion for you.

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