Tag "Rituals and Spells"

Meditation “The Lamp of the Night”

Our perception of this world, shaped by family examples, upbringing, and societal expectations, has created a kind of map for us—a map with routes that often lack alternative paths. We frequently continue along this mapped-out path, unaware that other, shorter and more pleasant routes exist. Just as blank spots on a map and blind zones in our perception can only be discovered and explored by stepping off the familiar route

Samhain Magical Ritual “Doors and Transitions” on October 31

Samhain marks the sacred days of Timelessness, when the old year dies and is reborn during the solstice in the middle of winter. It is a closed cycle where all events have time to begin and conclude. It is a time of doors and transitions, with worlds and spirits closer to people than ever before. All paths are open, and all possibilities are allowed. However, it is best not to

Preparing for the Ritual

🔮🌟 Let’s talk about preparing for the Magical Ritual, though I believe it will be interesting and useful even for those who are not participating to understand the general aspects of ritual work. Ritual practice, and indeed any practice, requires our conscious attention and readiness, both physically and spiritually. This journey begins with preparation, which can be as diverse as we are. Think of it as time you dedicate to

Fire Spell “For Calm”

If something is troubling you, pulling at your soul, causing pain inside, not letting go, or if you’re unsure of how to move forward, where to go, and your thoughts and vision are clouded with confusion, you can recite the fire spell “For Calm.” Place a burning candle in front of you, dissolve into its flame, merge mentally with the fire, think of nothing, mentally release all your worries, and

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