Tag "Samhain – the night from October 31 to November 1"
In celebration of the Last Harvest—Samhain, I’m drawing six special cards for you. This time, I’m using the Wiccan Oracle of Shadows, which resonates with me deeply in this mystical season. Each Oracle card I draw offers guidance and support for you from Samhain until Yule. To discover what will support you through this dark season, choose one card and comment with its number below.
I will post the
Samhain marks the sacred days of Timelessness, when the old year dies and is reborn during the solstice in the middle of winter. It is a closed cycle where all events have time to begin and conclude. It is a time of doors and transitions, with worlds and spirits closer to people than ever before. All paths are open, and all possibilities are allowed. However, it is best not to
Dear friends! A reminder that on October 24, our exciting journey into the world of Samhain begins as part of the Wheel of the Year course, and I invite you to join us. Samhain is not just the transition into the dark time of the year—during this time, the veil between worlds becomes thinner, and magic becomes tangible. My course will give you the opportunity to touch this magic,
Samhain: Embrace the Dark Season with Magic and Power!
On October 24, we begin our exciting journey into the world of Samhain, the Festival of the Last Harvest and the transition into the dark and mystical part of the year. It is a time when nature prepares for winter, and we prepare for new challenges and magical adventures.
What is Samhain? It is not only a farewell