SPECIAL OFFER: 6 Cards for Ostara

In honor of the Spring Equinox, I am sharing with you 6 cards from the Wiccan Shadow Oracle, each carrying its own message of support for you during the period from Ostara to Beltane. To receive your guidance, choose one card and write its number in the comments below ⬇️ I will post the interpretations of all the cards in a separate post tomorrow. 🌷 🌷 🌷 Additionally, starting March

Revealing the Cards for the New Moon

Your Spiritsong for support in the upcoming lunar month (remember, you chose the card you needed yesterday in a separate post) ⬇️ 🌙 Card №1. Crane The crane, skilled at finding solutions to any problem, is here to help you revive your optimism, bringing clarity and understanding. It will help you find time to renew your energy. When you engage in what truly excites you, it gives you strong motivation

SPECIAL OFFER: 6 Cards for New Moon

For tomorrow’s New Moon, I’m sharing 6 cards from the “Spiritsong Tarot” deck to help you with your processes in the upcoming lunar month, offering guidance and support on your path. To receive your message, choose one card and write its number in the comments on this post ⬇️ I will post the interpretations for all the cards tomorrow in a separate update. 🌙 🌙 🌙 This New Moon in Pisces brings a

Revealing the Cards for the New Lunar Year

Here is your guidance for this Lunar Year (as a reminder, you chose your card yesterday in a separate post) ⬇️ 🌟 Card #1 – The World. Upper World. Cosmic Egg. Ouroboros.Follow your destiny, and everything happening around you will assist in your growth and manifestation in all your power and beauty. Higher forces are watching over you, guiding, and protecting your path, helping you renew and awaken your aspirations.

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