SPECIAL OFFER: 6 Cards for New Moon

For tomorrow’s New Moon and the exit from the Eclipse Corridor, I’m drawing 6 cards from the Deviant Moon Tarot for you. The card you choose will assist you in your processes during the upcoming lunar month, offering guidance and support along your path. To receive your personal message, simply choose one card and comment with its number below ⬇ I will post the interpretation of all the cards in

Revealing the Cards for Mabon

Your card for support during the period from Mabon to Samhain, with a small bonus message for each card (a reminder: you chose the card for yourself yesterday in a separate post). 🍎 Card #1. Blushing with Joy. The upcoming period brings joy and pleasure into your life, primarily from communication and support within your close circle—friends, loved ones, and family. This is the best time to gather together, open

SPECIAL OFFER: 6 Cards for Mabon

🍎 Traditionally, as we approach the next point on the Wheel of the Year — the Autumn Equinox celebration, I lay out six key cards for you. Since this is a time for reflection and harvesting the fruits of your labor, the cards today are unique — apple-themed, with each carrying its own message to guide you through the period from Mabon to Samhain. To receive your personal message, simply

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