For the Upcoming New Moon, I’m drawing 6 cards from the Tarot of the 78 Doors for you. The card you choose will assist you in your processes during the upcoming lunar month, offering guidance and support along your path. To receive your personal message, simply choose one card and comment with its number below ⬇ I will post the interpretation of all the cards in a separate post tomorrow.
As the year draws to a close, I am now accepting requests for annual readings to provide you with a solid foundation for the upcoming year. An annual reading serves as a map of the new world you are stepping into, guiding you throughout the year. It helps identify areas where caution is needed, where you can trust the flow, which actions are beneficial, and where external support may be
In Gypsy magic, working with the Moon is of great importance, and many spells and rituals are based on appeals to the Moon-Gaena, using lunar energy flows for their processes. For the new lunar month, I present to you my Lunar Story. My conversation with the Moon will allow you to hear ancient stories from Gypsy shuwanis and introduce you to the trends of the upcoming lunar month. Listen carefully,
Here is your support card for the period from Samhain to Yule (a reminder: you chose your card in yesterday’s post). 🔥 Card #1. Black MoonThere is no greater harm than denial!In this world, everything is in motion—there are no fixed phenomena, situations, thoughts, or ideas. If you don’t like what’s happening, recognize that the shadow reality is also real. It’s precisely within this space that we can cultivate love,