Tag "Tarot Spread"

Annual Spread: “12 Wishes”

🎉 As the New Year approaches, it’s a tradition to make wishes—whether by tossing notes into a glass of champagne, hanging them on the tree, or sharing them with a stranger at a crossroads. There are countless ways to make a wish and wonder if it will come true in the upcoming year! The year often surprises us by fulfilling the most unexpected or unconscious desires. To uncover which wishes

Annual reading “Your Treasure Map for 2025”

The annual financial reading “Treasure Map” explores your potential in the financial sphere, highlighting positive or negative external influences. It reveals the financial changes the upcoming year will bring, provides forecasts for income sources, major expenses, and losses, and offers guidance on how to boost your earning potential. Card Positions in the Spread: Your current financial energy What will leave your life in the upcoming year What will remain unchanged

Annual love reading “Towards Love”

The annual love reading “Towards Love” will reveal what lies ahead in your personal life this year. It will explore whether new relationships are on the horizon and how they might develop. If you’re already in a relationship, the reading will help identify potential sources of problems, evaluate how well your relationship aligns with your expectations, and foresee where it’s heading. Card Positions in the Spread: Your current energy and

Annual Spread for All Life Areas: “Wheel of Fortune”

The year is coming to an end, and it’s time to reflect on the past and plan for the future. The Wheel of Fortune turns, offering us the chance to make new wishes, realize fresh plans, and start a new chapter in life. This 13-position spread will help you plan the year ahead, reveal trends in various areas of your life, provide insights into wish fulfillment, and highlight the main

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