Tag "Tarot Spread"

Comprehensive Diagnostic Reading for 2025

As the year draws to a close, I am now accepting requests for annual readings to provide you with a solid foundation for the upcoming year. An annual reading serves as a map of the new world you are stepping into, guiding you throughout the year. It helps identify areas where caution is needed, where you can trust the flow, which actions are beneficial, and where external support may be

Samhain Spread “The Pumpkin”

Samhain marks the turning point when we move fully from the light side of the year into the dark. The theme of balancing light and darkness becomes relevant not only in nature but also within our inner world. One of Samhain’s traditions—the carving of a pumpkin—symbolizes this inner work, where we use our light to illuminate the dark night outside. The Samhain spread “The Pumpkin” will reveal your growth potential

“Vector” Tarot Spread for a Month or Period

At the beginning of next month, I am offering the Vector Spread, which can be used for a month ahead or for a period of three months. The Vector Spread provides a forecast for the chosen period across all areas of life, helping you identify the tasks at hand and the development trends that will aid in completing them most effectively.By revealing problem areas, trends, and growth opportunities in each

Tarot spread “Mabon”

The bright summer energies are fading, leaving us with valuable experiences and gains. The “Mabon” Tarot spread will guide you on how to use this rich harvest to your advantage. This spread will help you assess past achievements and set tasks for the near future—where to direct the resources you’ve gained, whether they’re fully realized or come as lessons. It will also reveal what you need to achieve your aspirations

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