Tag "Valentine’s Day"

From Love

🌷 Today is a day of confessions, but confessions of love, tenderness, and friendship. Not expressions of dislike or hatred, not venting accumulated aggression. But rather, the accumulated tenderness and desire for closeness. I’m not calling for you to “love” or “forgive your enemies” right now—this day isn’t about those energies, and have we even come close enough to enlightenment to feel this sincerely, without pretense? Inside us, there’s a

“Your Soulmate” Spread

Each of us is curious to peek behind the veil of the future and receive not only an analysis of the situation or advice on a problem from Tarot but also to get a glimpse of our destined partner. “Your Soulmate” spread will reveal the image of your future life partner, describe their appearance, financial and social status, intellectual and emotional potential. Additionally, the spread can show how your meeting will

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