Tag "Weekly Forecast"

Focus on Resources: Weekly Forecast from September 23 to 29, 2024

Although the energy of processes becomes somewhat quieter after the vibrant and intense Mabon, the upcoming week promises to be surprisingly interesting and full of favorable events. This is a time when life shines with bright colors, and even brief difficulties only serve to add dynamics and diversity to our journey. The key is to pay attention to the small, barely noticeable signals from the Universe, which hint at when

Celebrate and Transform: Weekly Forecast from September 16 to 22, 2024

This week will be marked by several major events that will set the rhythm for the coming weeks. Both shifts are more favorable than negative, but as with any change, there may be some initial turbulence. The active influence of the Full Moon, which is coinciding with a Lunar Eclipse, is guiding us into the Eclipse Corridor. However, we’ve likely felt its effects as early as last week. This week,

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