Leading energy of the day: Monday will be turbulent. Get ready to fight with inner demons and windmills.

Personal life: Monday will be a rough day for sweethearts because everyone criticizes each other in the most impartial form. Everything may sound reasonable, but the speech would be far from perfect. It’s so simple to quarrel that it is hard to stay within the limits. Accumulating negativeness is not that good, but try to express it in line with your inner senses, not just hurt your beloved.

Today, you’d somewhat reduce any communication to a least. Postpone any dating or new acquaintances, whatever tempting they are, otherwise you will lose time and spoil your mood.

Business and Finance: Monday is good for teamwork, but don’t forget about hidden hazards or inner workings. If you preferred not to mention them until now, the Universe will force you to pay attention. You may not take part in the intrigues, still it is useful to know about them. Keep your ears open. Attention to detail will serve the good turn.

The day will be rough for creative people. The inspiration is still there, but today, it turns from a delightful divine uplift into a melancholia. Try something new and search for a fresh stream or ideas.

Personality development and Education: Monday will be suitable for introspection in any form. New week starts a new life — that’s the best description for this week. Don’t miss the chance to appreciate your inner demons, even if you look good and considerate person for your environment. Today, it would be useful to cherish and nurture your qualities that others see as negative. Here, any accidental complaints will not damage your self-esteem.

Family Matters: It will be a rough day, since households strive either to impose their rules on others or manipulate. Usually teenagers do it, but younger kids or older relatives can get involved too. Act, regardless of age and parental feelings, and stop it by an imperious and strong-willed refusal with no explanations. It will be an excellent lesson showing that anything doesn’t happen in the way they want.

Beauty and Health: Any sports activities, including warm-ups and yoga, are strictly forbidden today, since the probability of injury is too high. Better take care of your body with good and rich food and relax.

Social Interaction: Communication may be hard and nervous today, so you’d better to spend it alone.

Have a perfect day!
© Elena Shuwany