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  • REVIEWS Dear friends and readers! In the comments to this post, you can leave your feedback and read reviews from others about my work: consultations, […]

    • Пользователь Elena Shuwany ответил 2 недели, 1 день назад

      Thank you for your review! I’m very glad I could help! Feel free to reach out anytime!

    • Пользователь Elena Shuwany ответил 1 неделя, 3 дня назад

      Thank you for your review!

    • Пользователь Elena Shuwany ответил 5 дней назад

      Thank you for your review!

    • Пользователь Elena Shuwany ответил 5 дней назад

      Thank you for your review! I was happy to help!

    • Пользователь Elena Shuwany ответил 4 дня, 23 часа назад

      You can read reviews about the results of energy support and accompaniment here https://shuwany.com/en/2024/09/energy-support-and-accompaniment-rituals/
      “I ordered an energy support ritual from Shuwany for a very difficult court session. The results were very impressive. Firstly, I felt extremely confident, even though I had been very anxious about the outcome. And secondly—and most importantly—it truly helped me achieve a positive result. Thank you so much for your support and magic!” (Andrey)
      “The energy accompaniment during my medical procedure was incredible. I felt your energy protecting me and filling me with strength. You were like a guardian angel during a tough time in my life. Thank you for your care!” (Olga)
      “I really needed support for an important family event, and I didn’t even want to go at first, but thanks to your ritual, I decided to go—and I was able to stay calm and resolve a catastrophic conflict while preserving my dignity and relationships. My husband and I are very grateful for your magic!” (Marina)
      “Thank you for the energy support during an important business deal! I felt confident and calm, despite the tense atmosphere. This was extremely important to me, and your magic made it happen. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without your help.” (Igor)
      “I ordered energy accompaniment for two months straight, during a very challenging period of my life when I was overwhelmed with fear and uncertainty about my future and my children’s future. Elena Shuwany’s support helped me overcome my fears and doubts, as well as create a new, positive direction in my life. Now I feel strong and ready for new challenges. Thank you so much for your support and magical guidance!” (Elena)
      “Following my colleague’s advice, I ordered an energy support ritual during difficult negotiations with potential partners. It was exactly what I needed! I felt like I was under a protective wing. The results were amazing, and I made a favorable offer thanks to this support!” (Maxim)
      “Thank you for the energy support on my wedding day! This day was special for me, and thanks to your work, it became even more magical. I felt positive energy surrounding me and my fiancé. It was a dream day, and you helped make it a reality!” (Anna)
      “I requested energy support during a period of significant changes in my career. Your work helped me find inner balance and confidence. Now I am successfully tackling new tasks and feel that my energy is at its peak. Thank you so much for your help!” (Sergey)
      “Elena, thank you! Your support before an important presentation helped me feel more confident and overcome my fear. I felt composed and energized. It was a magical moment, and I am grateful for your help!” (Olga)
      “Thank you for the energy support during my trip. I felt your energy accompanying and protecting me from negativity. It was an amazing experience, and I returned home feeling refreshed and empowered. Thank you for your magic!” (Daria)

    • Пользователь Elena Shuwany ответил 4 дня, 23 часа назад

      Reviews on the Results of the Seven-Body Harmonization Ritual https://shuwany.com/en/2024/09/ritual-of-harmonizing-the-seven-bodies/
      ✨ Natalia: “The Seven-Body Harmonization Ritual had an incredible effect on me! For a long time, I felt the pressure of past negative events, and they prevented me from moving forward. Through this ritual, I was able to get rid of this burden and feel complete harmony and balance within myself. Thanks to this amazing transformation, my life has become brighter and more peaceful. Thank you for your professionalism and care!”
      ✨ Elena: “Dear Elena, the energy flow was strong, and I felt it well. I am very grateful to you. All these processes were very creative, and I felt protected, supported, and guided. Sometimes I felt a deep peace, something I rarely experience these days. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support, for opening new paths that seem to be nearby, but invisible until you open the eyes of the soul. For helping me breathe easier, rest sometimes, listen to myself, and believe. Thank you for your knowledge and skills. It’s comforting to find support in life’s storms while working with you!”
      ✨ Olga: “For a long time, I felt constantly tired and gray, as if vampires were drinking my blood every night—just kidding! Now I feel light and fluttering like a butterfly. I wonder how long this will last? But rest assured, as soon as it fades, I’ll be back!”
      ✨ Alexander: “I was amazed by the results of the ritual! For a long time, I was troubled by fears and anxious thoughts that kept me from living a full life. Now I no longer feel tension and stress. This was an exceptional experience that helped me find inner peace and confidence. Thank you very much!”
      ✨ Eugenia: “Thank you for the amazing changes in my life! I had known for a long time, and many specialists told me, that my energy was disturbed, which of course affected my physical and emotional state. But after the ritual, I felt the return of inner harmony. My body was filled with energy.”
      ✨ Dmitry: “This was a healing experience for me. After the ritual, I felt like a new person. Thank you so much for your help and unique abilities!”
      ✨ Anna: “The Harmonization Ritual transformed my life. As far as I can remember, I have always struggled with tension and anxiety. Surprisingly, I now look at the world with optimism and feel much better—stronger and healthier. I highly recommend it to everyone!”
      ✨ Ivanka: “Elena, thank you for this incredible experience. It’s as if a weight was lifted off my shoulders! After the ritual, I feel very calm, joyful, and harmonious, filled with strength. The fact that I can look to the future with confidence and peace is incredibly important to me.”
      ✨ Elena: “Elena, thank you for your work. Very strong but gentle, bright energy came to me yesterday. I felt warmth and, as if, I could finally exhale. I began to breathe more calmly and deeply. Thank you very much.”

    • Пользователь Elena Shuwany ответил 4 дня, 23 часа назад

      Reviews on the Results of Cleansing Rituals https://shuwany.com/en/2024/09/rituals-for-general-cleansing-of-personal-energy/

      Marina: “The general energy cleansing with the elements is a real miracle! I feel so light and full of energy after the session. Thank you for restoring my harmony and protecting me from negativity. I can’t imagine my life without this ritual anymore!”

      Alexey: “I didn’t expect the effect to be so strong! After the wax pourings, I felt like I was reborn. My fears disappeared, my chronic fatigue vanished, and even work started going more smoothly. Thank you for this amazing transformation!”

      Elena: “Cleansing with the elements helped me get rid of months of insomnia and stress. I feel protected and full of strength. It was a truly transformational experience that changed my life. Thank you!”

      Daria: “I ordered a general cleansing with the elements, and I’m glad I made this decision, even though I hesitated for a long time. My life is improving, and I see positive changes in all areas. Thank you so much for your incredible skills!”

      Andrey: “After the four elements cleansing, it felt like I stepped into a new world—a world of harmony and balance. Thank you for this gift to my life! Now I feel strong and protected.”

      Olga: “Wax pouring helped me deal with many issues I had been struggling with for years. It’s truly a miracle! I feel lighter and freer. Thank you so much for your help!”

      Alexandra: “It felt like a second birth! After the cleansing, I began to see the world in vibrant colors and feel full of strength and energy. It’s incredible how everything has changed. I recommend it to everyone!”

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